here is a way to access objects on an AX form via the keyboard. On any AX form, hit the 'ALT' key and you'll see little letter boxes pop up (dubbed 'KeyTips') which indicate which key needs to be hit to put the focus on that form control. Hitting 'Enter' on a highlighted keytip will mimic a click whether that triggers an action item, a drop down menu button, etc. If its a menu, you can use the arrow keys to navigate and hit enter.
You can have duplicate letters on a single form as there are only 26 in the alphabet :-). As an example of this, hitting 'S' in Figure 1 after pressing ALT will hide all non-'S' key tips and only show the three controls which are associated with the 'S' keytip. The first 'S' control will be highlighted. Subsequent hittings of the 'S' key will change the focus to the other S controls for the user to hit enter on.
If'you have custom objects or a specific flow and would like to control what these values are, use the 'KeyTip' property on the form controls as seen in Figure 2 below
It's pretty powerful functionality. I've been able to fully create a sales order, change a number of key fields, add a few lines and release it to warehouse in an incredibly short amount of time.
It's pretty powerful functionality. I've been able to fully create a sales order, change a number of key fields, add a few lines and release it to warehouse in an incredibly short amount of time.
Vneupremsumpba Mary Walton