Security Role with Task Description in AX by X++ Job.
Below code displays Role and its Task Description and its useful to administrator before you assign any role to end user.
Create below query before writing job
static void ShyamJob4SecurityRolewithTaskDesc(Args _args)
securityRole sr;
SecurityTask st;
str txt;
Query qr = new Query(queryStr(S_SecurityRoleDuty));
QueryRun qrun = new QueryRun(qr);
st = qrun.get(tableNum(SecurityTask));
sr = qrun.get(tableNum(securityRole));
txt = SysLabel::labelId2String(, 'en-gb');
info(sr.Name +'-' + txt);
Below code displays Role and its Task Description and its useful to administrator before you assign any role to end user.
Create below query before writing job
static void ShyamJob4SecurityRolewithTaskDesc(Args _args)
securityRole sr;
SecurityTask st;
str txt;
Query qr = new Query(queryStr(S_SecurityRoleDuty));
QueryRun qrun = new QueryRun(qr);
st = qrun.get(tableNum(SecurityTask));
sr = qrun.get(tableNum(securityRole));
txt = SysLabel::labelId2String(, 'en-gb');
info(sr.Name +'-' + txt);
Ugrandici-riNewark Anish Ruth