Accessing Data Entities in AX from Third Party System

Hi ,

How to view data entities by  AX URL.

The following table describes the resources and the corresponding URLs in the sample.
Service endpoint[Your Organization Root URL]/data/The root service endpoint for OData entities
Entity collection[Your Organization Root URL]/data/CustomersThe collection of all customers
Entity[Your Organization Root URL]/data/Customers(“[key]”)A single entity from the entity collection
Navigation property[Your Organization Root URL]/data/Customers(“[key]”)/ReservationsThe navigation from a customer to that customer’s reservations
Property[Your Organization Root URL]/data/Customers(“[key]”)/FirstNameThe customer’s first name

REST Metadata Service

The REST metadata service is a read-only service. In other words, users can make only GET requests. The main purpose of this endpoint is to provide metadata information for elements. It is an OData implementation.
This endpoint is hosted at http://[baseURI]/Metadata.
Currently, this endpoint provides metadata for the following elements:
  • Labels – This gets labels from the system. They have a dual pair key, language, and ID, so that you can retrieve the value of the label.
    Example: https://[baseURI]/metadata/Labels(Id=’@SVC_ODataLabelFile:Label1′,Language=’en-us’)
  • Data entities – This returns a JSON-formatted list of all the data entities in the system.
    Example: https://[baseURI]/Metadata/DataEntities
