Here I'm going to create Word Template which fetches data from AX. i.e. Use Word Templates to Generate Standard Word Correspondence
It has 3 step process.
1. Create Data Entity
2. Create a Word Template
3. Upload a Word Template
4. Use the template in AX Form
1. Create Public Data Entity follow the link (Create Data Entity).
Here i'm using CustCustomerEntity Public Data Entity.
you can access your data entity by (Access Data Entity)
your org URL/data/PublicCollectionName
2. Create Word Template.
3. Upload a Word Template
Here I'm going to create Word Template which fetches data from AX. i.e. Use Word Templates to Generate Standard Word Correspondence
It has 3 step process.
1. Create Data Entity
2. Create a Word Template
3. Upload a Word Template
4. Use the template in AX Form
1. Create Public Data Entity follow the link (Create Data Entity).
Here i'm using CustCustomerEntity Public Data Entity.
you can access your data entity by (Access Data Entity)
your org URL/data/PublicCollectionName
2. Create Word Template.
The Microsoft Dynamics App for Office can be run in Word to enable the creation of templates that can then be used for document generation.
- Add a trusted catalog that points to the file share that contains the Microsoft Dynamics App manifest:
- In Word, click File > Options.
- Click Trust Center > Trust Center Settings.
- Click Trusted Add-in Catalogs.
- In the Catalog URL field, enter the file share location of the manifest.
- Click Add catalog.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
- Restart Word.
- Add the Microsoft Dynamics App to a document:
- In Word, click Insert > My Add-ins > Shared Folder > Microsoft Dynamics.
- Click Insert.
- In the app, click Add server information.
- In the Server URL field, enter the start of the URL (protocol + hostname). For example, enter https://usnconeboxax1aos.cloud.onebox.dynamics.com/.
- Click OK.
- Click Yes to apply the settings change and reload the app.
- Sign in to the app:
- Click Sign In. The Azure Active Directory sign-in screen should provide a list of credentials. If you encounter an error, force a sign-out (by using the sign-out link in the lower-right corner of the app), and then sign in again.
- Select the appropriate account, or click Use another account.
- Enter the credentials for that Microsoft Dynamics AX environment, and then click Sign in.
- Load the template designer applet:
- After sign-in, click Load applets.
- Select Template Designer.
- Click OK.
- Click Yes to confirm.
- Click OK to close the settings page. The latest OData metadata is loaded.
3. Upload a Word Template
- Upload a template:
- In Dynamics 365 for Operations, navigate to Common > Common > Office integration > Document templates. Alternatively, search for the page.
- Click New.
- Click Browse.
- In the dialog box, select a previously created template, and then click Open.
Note that the Root data entity is obtained from the template and appears near the bottom of the dialog box. - Click OK.
- Scroll down the list of templates to confirm that the template was added.
- Optional: If the template should not be filtered to the user’s current record, clear the Apply current record filter check box.
- Optional: If the template should not be filtered to the user’s current company, clear the Apply company filter check box.
4. Use the template in AX Form
- Use the uploaded template for document generation:
- Navigate to a page that shares the same root data source as the template’s root data entity. For > Customers > Customer.
- Click Open in Microsoft Office > Export to Word, and click the template.
- Download and open the document that is generated.
Custom build Word template ready for selected customer.
AX 7
AX 2012
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