Manage client and database connections for an AOS instance in AX 2012
1. Set an AOS instance to accept new clients
Accept new clients option to allow clients to connect to an AOS instance that was set to reject clients.
1. Open the Online users form (System Administration --> Users --> Online users).
2. Select the AOS instance.
3. Click Accept new clients.
2. Set an AOS instance to reject new clients
Reject new clients option to stop clients from connecting to an AOS instance.
1. Open the Online users form (System Administration --> Users --> Online users).
2. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance.
3. Click Reject new clients. In-progress client sessions will not be disconnected automatically, but no new connections will be accepted.
3. To End Current Sessions
To end in-progress client sessions, use the Online users form. On the Client Sessions tab, select a session and click End sessions.
Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different database
1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration).
2. Select the AOS instance.
3. On the Database connection tab, enter the details of the database you would like to connect to, and then click OK. For a SQL Server connection, consider the following:
To specify a SQL Server named instance, use the format MyServer\MyInstance.
To specify the local SQL Server instance on this computer, enter (local).
For an Oracle connection, consider the following:
1.Choose whether to connect using a net service or custom settings.
2. In the Use this schema box, specify the schema under which the Microsoft Dynamics AX objects are stored in the database.
Manage client and database connections for an AOS instance in AX 2012
1. Set an AOS instance to accept new clients
Accept new clients option to allow clients to connect to an AOS instance that was set to reject clients.
1. Open the Online users form (System Administration --> Users --> Online users).
2. Select the AOS instance.
3. Click Accept new clients.
2. Set an AOS instance to reject new clients
Reject new clients option to stop clients from connecting to an AOS instance.
1. Open the Online users form (System Administration --> Users --> Online users).
2. On the Server Instances tab, select the AOS instance.
3. Click Reject new clients. In-progress client sessions will not be disconnected automatically, but no new connections will be accepted.
3. To End Current Sessions
To end in-progress client sessions, use the Online users form. On the Client Sessions tab, select a session and click End sessions.
Connect an Application Object Server instance to a different database
1. Open the Server Configuration utility (Start > Administrative Tools > Microsoft Dynamics AX Server Configuration).
2. Select the AOS instance.
3. On the Database connection tab, enter the details of the database you would like to connect to, and then click OK. For a SQL Server connection, consider the following:
To specify a SQL Server named instance, use the format MyServer\MyInstance.
To specify the local SQL Server instance on this computer, enter (local).
For an Oracle connection, consider the following:
1.Choose whether to connect using a net service or custom settings.
2. In the Use this schema box, specify the schema under which the Microsoft Dynamics AX objects are stored in the database.
0itchronYqui_pa1981 Kevin Schmidt https://wakelet.com/wake/hUCjgG_q_Ai_rv5Xv4QPD