Adding New and Modifying Electronic Payment File Formats in AX 2012


Adding New and Modifying Electronic Payment File Formats in AX 2012.

If you’re looking generate wire payments for vendor or employee payments from AX, you might find that the default values for certain elements within the file do not match some banks’ requirements.
For example, in AX, the traceNumber element for ACH payments is populated with the AX journal number by default. I recently ran across a scenario where the bank wanted the recipient routing number there instead. If the values used by AX don’t match the expectations from your bank, you’ll need to create a custom file format.

All payment files are placed at VendPaymFormat Table with Class for file generation. (Class Name --> custVendOutPaymRecordRootClassId)

Steps to generate the payment file:

Go to AX2012>Purchase ledger>Journals>Payments>Payment journal
Select the journal CEU.00005731
Go to lines
Click Payment status > None
Click Functions>Generate payment

Set Payment method = CEU95214
Bank account = bankaccount009
Show format dialog = true

Click OK
Amount limit = 100
Give a file path
Click OK.

The file will get generated in the file path.


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