XppPrePostArgs.getThis Method
Gets the publisher's "this" reference.
Returns a nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) reference if the publisher is static.
Retrieves the ;publisher's argument by index.
XppPrePostArgs Class
The XppPrePostArgs class provides information about a publisher's arguments and return values for pre-handlers and post-handlers.
The XppPrePostArgs class provides information about a publisher's arguments and return values for pre-handlers and post-handlers.
XppPrePostArgs.getThis Method
Gets the publisher's "this" reference.
Returns a nullNothingnullptrunita null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) reference if the publisher is static.
Retrieves the ;publisher's argument by index.
The index range is 0-based for static publishers but 1-based for instance publishers.
Sample POST Event Handler for findItemPriceAgreement in PriceDisc Class
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args"></param>
[PostHandlerFor(classStr(PriceDisc), staticMethodStr(PriceDisc, findItemPriceAgreement))]
public static container PriceDisc_Post_findItemPriceAgreement(XppPrePostArgs args)
PriceDisc priceDisc;
ModuleInventPurchSales _moduleType=args.getArgNum(0); //The index range is 0-based for static publishers but 1-based for instance publishers.
ItemId _itemId=args.getArgNum(1);
InventDim _inventDim=args.getArgNum(2);
UnitOfMeasureSymbol _unitID=args.getArgNum(3);
TransDate _priceDate=args.getArgNum(4);
Qty _qty=args.getArgNum(5);
CustVendAC _accountId=args.getArgNum(6);
CurrencyCode _currency=args.getArgNum(7);
PriceGroupId _priceGroupId=args.getArgNum(8);
//Any Code
FieldId fieldId = _args.getArg('_fieldId'); // Field id refers all fields here so pass this to //swith case and play around
PurchLine purchLine = _args.getThis();
switch (fieldId)
case fieldNum(PurchLine, CustTemperature):
//Any Code
case fieldNum(PurchLine, CustQty):
//Any Code
XppPrePostArgs.getArg Method
Retrieves the publisher's argument by name.
Another Sample for Any Field Id from purchline Table methods
Argument names are case insensitive.
public static void modifiedField_Post(XppPrePostArgs _args){
FieldId fieldId = _args.getArg('_fieldId'); // Field id refers all fields here so pass this to //swith case and play around
PurchLine purchLine = _args.getThis();
switch (fieldId)
case fieldNum(PurchLine, CustTemperature):
//Any Code
case fieldNum(PurchLine, CustQty):
//Any Code
// <summary>
// GET and SET Return values in XPPPrePOSTArgs
// </summary>
///// <param name="args"></param>
[PostHandlerFor(classStr(AxSalesLine), methodStr(AxSalesLine, priceDisc_Price))]
public static void AxSalesLine_Post_priceDisc_Price(XppPrePostArgs args)
AxSalesLine axSalesLine = args.getThis();
PriceDisc_Price priceDisc_price = args.getReturnValue();
priceDisc_price = axSalesLine._priceDisc_Price(priceDisc_price);
// <summary>
// GET and SET Return values in XPPPrePOSTArgs
// </summary>
///// <param name="args"></param>
[PostHandlerFor(classStr(AxSalesLine), methodStr(AxSalesLine, priceDisc_Price))]
public static void AxSalesLine_Post_priceDisc_Price(XppPrePostArgs args)
AxSalesLine axSalesLine = args.getThis();
PriceDisc_Price priceDisc_price = args.getReturnValue();
priceDisc_price = axSalesLine._priceDisc_Price(priceDisc_price);
AquelumKcons-pa Carol Kirby https://wakelet.com/wake/IZMcaMezAPejJ_FajHEei