AX D365 FTP Interface with Third Party System
Part 1: Define FTP InterfaceParameters
Part 2: Write FTP Code
Define FTP Interface Parameters - Reference
1.1 Create New Table - Key Field is extended to ParametersKey
1.2 Add Table Methods - So when
creating the new company in the D365 AX, the parameters form should have the
default values. To have
the default values in the parameters we need to have the following code in the table level
of find () of Parameters tables.
public class InterfaceParameters extends common
public static boolean exist()
return (select RecId from InterfaceParameters).RecId != 0;
public static InterfaceParameters find(boolean _forupdate = false)
InterfaceParameters parameter;
if (_forupdate)
select firstonly parameter
index Key
where parameter.Key == 0;
if (!parameter && !parameter.isTmp())
catch (Exception::DuplicateKeyException)
return parameter;
1.3 Create New Form for FTP Interface Parameters
Parameters are FTP Address, FTP
Folder, FTP UserName, FTP Password
1.4 Fetching FTP Details Class
public class InterfaceParametersCheck
InterfaceParameters parameters = InterfaceParameters::find();
public boolean FTPParameters()
if (!parameters.FTPAddress ||
!parameters.FTPUserName ||
!parameters.FTPPassword ||
return checkFailed("FTP Interface Parameters missing");
return true;
public InterfaceParameters FTPDetails()
if (!parameters.FTPAddress ||
!parameters.FTPUserName ||
!parameters.FTPPassword ||
return parameters;
return parameters;
mentaZpost-ba Kim Lopez https://wakelet.com/wake/veY-wxJXT13_SjHagGzig