What's new or changed, Roadmap, LCS Cloud Supports and Microsoft Supports Documents (for D365)


What's new or changed and Roadmap for AX D365



Road map



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Microsoft released Scaning in Warehouse Mobile App



Issue: Report production outage

Report production outage provides a quick and effective channel to escalate issues to Microsoft Support in the event that the services in a production environment are degraded or become unavailable.

Solution: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/unified-operations/dev-itpro/lifecycle-services/cloud-powered-support-lcs#report-production-outage










This page helps developers and IT Pros get started with Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition.


This topic explains how to move a MicrosoftDynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition database from anAzure-based environment to a SQL Server–based environment.

This topic provides information about thePurchase order approval mobile workspace, which lets you view purchase ordersand respond to them through actions. For example, you can approve or reject apurchase order.

This tutorial is for developers to use advancedconstructs of the X++ language and take advantage of productive debuggerfeatures. This is a walkthrough of the new features with exercises included topractice using these features.

This topic provides information about how toplan, set up, and deploy an on-premises environment for Microsoft Dynamics 365for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition with Platform update 12.



This topic explains the end-to-end process forupgrading from Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Financeand Operations in a development environment



This topic describes how to install andconfigure the Document Routing Agent for deployments of Microsoft Dynamics 365for Finance and Operations, Enterprise edition.


Control warehouse work by using work templates and location directives


Set up a mobile device menu item to register received items


Set up a work template for purchase orders -


This procedure shows you how to create a mobile device menu item for license plate consolidation work.



Set up a work template for purchase orders


Setup a Location Directive for Purchase order put-away



