Delete Shipment OR Load in Warehouse Management in D365FO


Delete Shipment OR Load in Warehouse Management in D365FO

First Create a Sales Order and Release the lines to warehouse Via Release to warehouse.

Go to Warehouse Mgt à Release to warehouse à Release to warehouse (1) à Search for Sales order and lines (2) à Click Add (3) à Press Release to warehouse (4) to release the sales lines to warehouse for shipment and load.

After Release you will see below screen which says Wave, Load, Shipment and work has been created.

First Step in Deleting Shipment is Cancelling the Works which is associated with this shipment because you cannot directly delete shipment.

Select a Sales Order Line à Go to Warehouse à Work details.

In Work Order Screen 
1. Click Work Tab in header 
2. Cancel work
After work Cancelled

In Work Scroll right to find corresponding Shipment, Load and Wave.

Go to Shipment and Press Delete. Its in Open Status because of associate work was cancelled.

Deleting Shipment will delete associate load. Its Vice versa if you delete Load then associate Shipment will be deleted.

So finally, Corresponding Wave is available with out any load or shipment or order number in it. Delete the empty wave.

After Shipment Deletion Sales order line is available for release again to new shipment.
